Designers 2 know , Lifestyle - May 23, 2019


L’annuncio di una maison di moda guidata da Bad Girl Riri è arrivato come un fulmine a ciel sereno nella industry. Il nuovo brand del gruppo LVMH è aleggiato nell’aria per settimane creando una sorta di tensione radioattiva che ci ha spinto a fantasticare e a chiederci, fino all’ultimo, cosa si sarebbe inventata Rihanna. La risposta è arrivata ieri con l’anteprima del pop-up store parigino che verrà aperto al pubblico il 24 maggio.

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“I’ve been slowly evolving throughout the fashion world,” says #Rihanna. “First wearing it, buying it, being recognized for my style and then collaborating with brands. I never just wanted to put my name on something and sell my license. I’m very hands-on, so I wanted to take it slowly and gain respect as a designer.” Click the link in our bio for a first look at @badgalriri's new fashion line @Fenty, created in partnership with #LVMH, and to read her full interview with the playwright @JeremyOHarris. Photographed by @KristinLeeMoolman, styled by @SuzanneKoller, makeup by @lauren.parsons, hair by Yusef (@yusefhairnyc), manicure by Jenny Longworth (@jennynails), set design by Andrew Tomlinson (@tomotattle).

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Ad accompagnare il tutto, la video campaign della prima collezione. Chi si aspettava un marchio misto couture e street style è stato accontentato: c’è l’anima urban che la fa da padrone, costruita sullo scheletro della moda rap anni Novanta con denim jacket e camice oversize.

Chi invece sperava in un tocco di extravaganza sulla scia delle Notes on Camp è rimasto deluso: pochi colori vivaci, condensati in un accenno di rosa confetto e poi immersi in un pastone neutro, e nessun dettaglio over the top che catturi l’attenzione.

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“I want to be as disruptive as possible,” says #Rihanna. “The brand is not traditional. There is no runway show. It’s a new way of doing things because I believe that this is where fashion is going to go eventually.” When goes live on May 29, it will be one of few luxury brands to commit fully to online sales: There are no plans for runway shows, flagship boutiques or third-party sales through department stores. New clothes will instead “drop” each month on the website, similar to the model pioneered by the streetwear brand Supreme. Click the link in our bio for more on @badgalriri's new fashion line @Fenty, created in partnership with @LVMH. Photographed by @KristinLeeMoolman, styled by @SuzanneKoller, makeup by @lauren.parsons, hair by Yusef (@yusefhairnyc), manicure by Jenny Longworth (@jennynails), set design by Andrew Tomlinson (@tomotattle).

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Sicuramente, il brand costituisce un unicum nella storia di LVMH, gruppo che si contraddistingue per un’estetica elitaria e un design sempre e comunque concettuale, e che ancora non si era del tutto lanciata nel mondo del citywear.

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#Rihanna is making a reggae album and it will arrive imminently, but she doesn’t know the exact date yet. As for the name of her ninth album? “So far it’s just been R9, thanks to the Navy,” she said, referencing the term for her crew of fans. “I’m about to call it that, probably ’cause they have haunted me with this ‘R9, R9, when is R9 coming out?’ How will I accept another name after that’s been burned into my skull?” Click the link in our bio for more takeaways from @badgalriri's exclusive interview with @JeremyOHarris. Photographed by @KristinLeeMoolman, styled by @SuzanneKoller, makeup by @lauren.parsons, hair by Yusef (@yusefhairnyc), manicure by Jenny Longworth (@jennynails), set design by Andrew Tomlinson (@tomotattle).

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C’è però da dire che Rihanna si trova di fronte a dei competitors, che sono tanti, forse troppi: dentro Fenty si scorge Virgil Abloh con le prime collezioni di Off-White, un pizzico di Balenciaga nelle proporzioni giocate su contrasti tra long e short, large e stretch, con qualche accenno di Vetements. Insomma, Rihanna ha fatto riferimento a un’idea di fashion condivisa da molti designer: ha puntato sul cavallo vincente della vestibilità invece che giocare sull’originalità.

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“You wear what looks good on you and that’s it,” says #Rihanna. “I’m thick and curvy right now, and so if I can’t wear my own stuff then, I mean, that’s not gonna work, right?” As the first black woman to run a major luxury fashion house, @badgalriri paid close attention to inclusivity when creating the @Fenty clothing line. Indeed, the mission of #Fenty, according to #JahleelWeaver (@illjahjah), a stylist for Rihanna who is now the label’s style director, “is to really speak to how multifaceted today’s woman is. We’re thinking about each release as a different facet to a woman’s wardrobe and how she approaches dressing. Luxury has been defined in the past as one woman, one brand: You know who the Saint Laurent woman is, you understood who the Céline woman was when it was Phoebe. Which is fine, but you think about how that relates to the modern woman. I don’t think she is just one thing, Rih being the perfect example of that.” Click the link in our bio for Rihanna's full conversation with the playwright @JeremyOHarris, and to see more exclusive images of her new clothing line. Photographed by @KristinLeeMoolman, styled by @SuzanneKoller, makeup by @lauren.parsons, hair by Yusef (@yusefhairnyc), manicure by Jenny Longworth (@jennynails), set design by Andrew Tomlinson (@tomotattle).

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È ancora troppo presto per poter capire quale piega prenderanno gli abiti di Fenty, e l’attesa continua fino al 29 maggio, data dell’apertura dell’e-commerce in cui verrà anche svelato il range di prezzo della linea. Resta il fatto che il brand è molto competitivo, non solo in termini di vendite (anche qui trainate da un altro cavallo vincente: la firma di Rihanna) ma per ora, ci si può limitare a un mood Miranda Priestly: street style, per il brand di Rihanna? Avanguardia pura.

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