Chiara Ferragni - November 10, 2011

Mixed photos: back home


Various mixed photos: back home from Tokyo. Soon also all the japanese purchases 🙂

Vari scatti misti: tornata a casa da Tokyo. Presto anche tutti gli acquisti giapponesi 🙂


1. Putting my shoes in the new shoe room, only for heels
2. Part of my closet room and bathroom
3. Comfortable and easy look
4. Bangles and rings
5. My campaign for Hogan on Vogue Paris (If you also found it on Elle Uk, Dazed&Confused, Vogue Germany and Vogue Greece please write me an email)
6. Richi with the Werelse tshirt, available next week on
7. New Giacomorelli flats
8. Closet room sofa: always messy
9. Amazing coffee set: thanks Pardis and Angie!
10. New lamps at the house
11. Alexander Wang bag
12. Pins and bangles
13. Could the @ be missed at home?
14. Handmade bedside table
15. Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony boots
16. Matilda in doubt
17. WERELSE shoppingbag
18. Alexander McQueen bracelet
19. Richi’s wardrobe
20. Commons&Sense Japan

1. Mettendo a posto la nuova scarpiera, adibita rigorosamente a scarpe con tacco
2. Parte della cabina armadio e del mio bagno
3. Outfit comodo e semplice
4. Bracciali ed anelli
5. La mia pubblicità per Hogan su Vogue Paris (se l’avete trovata anche su Elle Uk, Dazed&Confused, Vogue Germany e Vogue Grecia scrivetemi un’email perfavore)
6. Richi con la Werelse tshirt, disponibile su da settimana prossima
7. Nuove ballerine Giacomorelli
8. Divano della cabina armadio: sempre incasinato
9. Il set per caffè più bello al mondo, grazie Pardis e Angie!
10. Nuovo lampadario a casa
11. Alexander Wang bag
12. Spille e bangle
13. Poteva mancare la @ a casa nostra?
14. Comodino handmade
15. Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony boots
16. Matilda dubbiosa
17. WERELSE shoppingbag
18. Bracciale Alexander McQueen
19. Armadio ordinatissimo di Richi
20.Commons&sense Japan

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