Sneakers, sneakers…we’re so obsessed by sneakers! Once upon a time, someone even created the word “sneakerhead” to define people that are crazy about them. It’s been a few seasons now that sneakers are considered the coolest items to show at fashion shows or glam partes. Do you know which are the 10 rules to follow? Keep on reading, then.
Don’t forget the classics: we love retro sneakers. Adidas Originals, for example decided to relaunch all its past icons, such as Superstar or Stan Smith. Vintage mood is not over yet!
Love the sneakers of the moment: chunky sneakers have been the 2017 never without…and 2018, as well. Archlight, Rython, Triple S: impossibile not to think about immediately to succesful Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Balenciaga, that so many people define “ugly”. You really need to get a pair of them, even the most affordable ones.
Match them with posh outfits: sneakers revival showed us the truth: we can be posh even with a air of sneakers at our feet. Somebody loves to wear them with a masculine suit, other prefer to match them with glamourous runway dresses or even on the red carpet. Better be comfortable if you want to be amazing, isn’t it?
Choose the right socks: next spring-summer socks, you surely already know it, will have an important role to make out outfits remarkable. Talking about sneakers, you can’t make mistakes: choose logo socks, according or constacting your sneakers brand.
Focus on total white: white is “the” sneakers’ colour, so you’ll better ave at least one pair of white sneakers in your wardrobe. It’s not easy to mantain their purity, but it’s very easy to match them with everything.
Wear them: some sneakerhead thought that we can’t consider a sneaker a shoe that is not used. there are so many brands that get them a “used” treatment before the purchase, but hey: see our dearest sneakers get old with us, priceless.
Be inspired by your favourite sport: basket, running, tennis… sport has invaded the streets, literally. All the sneakers that not long ago we used to wear only at the gym are now the coolest to wear outside. So, let’s take some inspiration from your favourite sport, but remember: never wear the sneakers that you really use to do sport at work, parties or whatever.
Wear neon and bright colours: next season, brightest colours will be our MVP. Don’t be afraid to surprise others, but also yourself, with colours like green, orange, red and fucsia… we bet you’ll fall in love with them.
Big yes to special details: studs, fur, pearls… sneakers now are more embroidered than a dress. But actually, that’s why we fall in love with them.
Don’t say no to millennial pink: it’s the hottest colour in the past few years and all the millennials love the. If you don’t want to miss the chance to be on trend, let’s fall in love with this candy and sweet pink shade. If you absolutely don’t want to wear it on your dresses, sneakers are the perfect compromize.