If we believe we know all the hidden talents of the celebs, we will have to start thinking again. Among the social medias, cinema and music, the stars unveil almost all aspects of their lives, but nevertheless still manage to surprise us by occasionally revealing some special ability. An example?
We all know Zac Efron‘s dancing talent, but who imagined he was also very good at pole dance?
The same goes for the fantastic voice of Ariana Grande, who in addition to her unique timbre also knows how to perfectly imitate that of other singers like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Celine Dion.
Even the spouses Bieber amaze us with their hidden talents: Justin is a phenomenon in solving the famous Rubik’s Cube in a few minutes, one of the most famous and complicated puzzles of all time, while Hailey is able to open beer bottles with teeth (useful when you are out and about with friends without a bottle opener).
Selena Gomez has an American young adult film talent, that is, to take candy or popcorn with her mouth on the fly.
Finally, Katy Perry has a rather strange hidden talent, which means she is able to inflate her chin just like a frog.
In short, these hidden talents will not match those that made our favourite celebrities famous, but make them even more interesting and fun.