Welcome to Instagram Asia! The french bulldog owned by Lady Gaga has just opened her profile and is making us and other 15K followers crazy with her training and beauty routine pictures. But she isn’t the only star among animals: Choupette Lagerfeld and Neville Jacobs, in addition to having their own social media accounts they are good friends with top models such as Gisele Bundchen and Kendall Jenner. In the gallery we chose the 10 celebrities pets we like the most, not all of them have an instagram account, but surely they will soon!
- Olive Beckham. Beckham’s family dog. Account: @olivebeckham23
Asia Kinney: Lady Gaga’s French Bulldog.
IG account: @missasiakinney
- Lady Gaga and Asia
- Asia sleeping with her mummy
- Bubba Sue: Miley Cyrus pig
- Miley and Bubba Sue
- 🙂
- Cubby, Marni and Teddy: Beckerman twins dogs
- Marni in Moschino
- Cubby and Marni
Choupette Lagerfeld: Karl Lagerfeld’s cat.
IG account: @choupettesdiary
- Karl and Choupette on the cover of: The Private Life of a High-Flying Fashion Cat
- Choupette playing with its friends
- Princess Jr: Paris Hilton’s newest pup. IG account: @princess_paris_jr_the_pom
- Paris and Princess Jr
- So cute, isn’t she? 🙂
- Neville Jacobs: Marc Jacobs’ bull terrier. IG account: @nevillejacobs
- Marc and little Neville
- Neville with his bull terrier slippers
- Tank and Bambi: Nicola Formichetti’s dogs. IG account: @tanknbambi
- Nicola and his babies
- Cutest thing ever in their colorful hoodies!
- Olivia: Taylor Swift’s kitty
- Olivia and Taylor
- It’s time to fly!
- Meet Cecil: Cara Delevingne’s bunny. IG account: @cecildelevingne
- Cara and Cecil
- Peekaboo !!
- Bambi: Kylie Jenner’s newest pup
- Kylie and Bambi
- Mini Bambi 😀