A sunny Sunday on the Navigli canals: the most beautiful face of October is the one keeping us warm with the last days of sunshine and fair weather, an idle morning in timeless Milan.
- Lucy Paris x The Blonde Salad coat and dress, Superga x The Blonde Salad shoes, Eyepetizer x The Blonde Salad sunnies.
- One on One x The Blonde Salad knitted coat, Two Drops x The Blonde Salad crop top, Zara shorts, Eyepetizer x The Blonde Salad sunnies.
- One on One x The Blonde Salad, sweater, Levi’s x The Blonde Salad jeans, Superga x The Blonde Salad shoes, Supermarket x The Blonde Salad sunnies
- One on One x The Blonde Salad knitted coat, Two Drops x The Blonde Salad crop top, Zara shorts, Eyepetizer x The Blonde Salad sunnies.
- One on One x The Blonde Salad, sweater, Levi’s x The Blonde Salad jeans, Superga x The Blonde Salad shoes
- One on One x The Blonde Salad, sweater, Levi’s x The Blonde Salad jeans, Superga x The Blonde Salad shoes, Supermarket x The Blonde Salad sunnies
Produced by Martina Maccherone & Gregorio Capineri Tosetti
Photographer: Jessica De Maio